As a Virtual Administrator I provide valuable administration & organisation services which create time & space so you can focus on optimising your business growth & efficiency.

I have extensive on-site & remote administration experience. As a super organised & efficient person, I love when everything has a place & everything is in it’s place.  

 “Throwing yourself into a job you enjoy is one of life’s greatest pleasures” – Richard Branson

Benefits of Administration Services

  • Feeling a sense of relief & freedom
  • You have more space & time for you
  • You create lightness & peace of mind
  • Less stress and overwhelm which leads to healthier you
  • More selective shopping, therefore saving money
  • Feeling a greater sense of individuality and self-expression
  • Feeling happier, more joyful, positive ad hopeful

Our services include

Administrator Services

Charged at an hourly rate
  • Email & Inbox Management
  • Customer Services
  • Data Entry
  • Website Management
  • Stripe Payments Allocations


Organisation Services

Charged at an hourly rate
  • Streamline Processes & Operations
  • Put Systems in place to support time-management
  • Diary Management


File Declutter Services

Charged at an hourly rate
  • Online File Organising
  • Online File Decluttering & Storage


What People Are Saying

  • My wardrobe was a mess, it was packed to the rafters and it really stressed me out every time I went to find something to wear. Some of the clothes I’d had for years and even though they were totally out of style I just couldn’t part with them. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sort this on my own so I got in touch with Sandra.
    I was dreading the appointment because I was so afraid she’d judged me. There was no need, she was so kind and gentle in her approach and helped me understand why I was holding on to nearly every item I’d ever bought.
    My wardrobe is so organised and Sandra has taught me how to keep it that way. Choosing something to wear is an absolute pleasure now. Thanks Sandra xxx
    – Deborah –

    With Sandra’s gentle guidance, I have finally tackled my extremely cluttered wardrobe. Thanks to Sandra’s creative direction I now feel organised and empowered each morning selecting my attire for the day.

    Thank you Sandra for providing a professional, enthusiastic & supportive service which was enjoyable from beginning to end

    – Julie –

Let’s connect

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or queries


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